Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fika Prep

Preparing for my first weekend Fika was quite stressful but it was a great learning experience. I realized I baked way too much and put more time into baking then I needed to. 
After realizing this it was much easier to have some fun in the kitchen while preparing for this weekends fika!

...maybe too much fun??
 Nicky looking fresh in her kitchen uniform.

Nicky, Lilli and me
Lilli and Grynet

In between picture taking some baking did happen. I promise.

Raspberry Bundt Cake!
Hard at work.
Oh Hej!
Wrapping up the cakes.
Then this happened...

 Lilli had a run-in with the oven.

 After chowing down on some of the best sourdough bread we decided it was time to leave the kitchen.

Easier said then done. 

Hejdå allihopa!!
We made a quick dash over to the freezer room to drop off the cakes before changing out of our cute uniforms and heading home.

It was all a cold, cold blur.
Helping me up the stairs. ha.
Trying to get the door open.
Freeze room?
Hejdå VG. Vi ses.

peace out.

photo credit- Nicky Wade. 


  1. love, love ,love this post. it looked like "so much fun...until someone gets hurt". Hope Lilli survived her oven mishap!

  2. My thoughts exactly, what a great time in all these lovely girls lives.


  3. Hahaha these pictures are so great! I'm sorry I missed this!

