Thursday, October 6, 2011

National Kanelbullar Day!

October 4th has been named National Kanelbullar Day!
Kanelbullar translates to cinnamon bun but cinnamon buns in Sweden are quite different from the American cinnabun. Dare I say the Americans buns do not hold a candle to their Swedish cousin. The Swedish bun is smaller, slightly dryer and less sticky and they are sprinkled with sugar pearls rather than being drowned in frosting.

Amy invite the CIEE gang over to her adorable apartment to bake Kanelbullar. It was a beautifully sunny autumn day, one of those rare fall days when you put on your shorts and forget that the cold dark winter is not far away. 

Greta workin' it.
Spreading the cinnamon love
Oh hey Greta
Amy rollin' out the dough with a juice bottle.
Sugar Pearls were added and they were ready for the oven.
Buns fresh out of the oven. She's too cute!
mmmm mmm
 After baking buns most of the CIEE kids (all but Linnea and I) had to go to Swedish class. Linnea and I stuck around and hung out with Amy for a few more hours. We had a really great conversation as usual. Amy is very insightful and so easy to talk to. Every time she, Linnea and I are together we have a great time. We can be serious or we can be silly but no matter what the mood, I always feel restored and confident after being with the two of them. I am so grateful for our friendship.

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